Your essential companion for the two week wait.

Ten daily audios including meditations and tasks; journal prompts and printable affirmations designed to send soothing, empowering and calming energy to your mind and body.

Focus on reframing the two week wait from a time you might dread... to owning every moment of it in the most gentle, self compassionate way possible.

You can do this! I've got you.

Investment: £20

I used to dread the TWW

Truly. I would lie wide awake at night imagining hypothetical scenarios, or driving myself crazy symptom spotting or scrolling through old fertility forums, just trying to find a person in the world with the same journey with me who had had success...

Until I learned how to completely reframe it, own it and transform it. Even when I felt the familiar fear or even dread, I knew what to do.

That's why I made this course.

"You change lives Alice..."

Course student & Life Raft member

Is it for you?

Probably. If you're anything like I was...

  • Dreading the wait

  • Feeling terrified

  • Feeling scared of pregnancy announcements

  • Weary of promises that mindset will affect outcomes (none of that here)

  • Always trying to put a brave face on or 'stay positive1 Column' (but actually just bloomin' exhausted by the whole thing)

  • Constantly expecting the worst so you're not disappointed (but this doesn't seem to work either...)

Own the wait

It's possible to change this. We can go through the Two Week Wait feeling completely different.

We can feel open, gentle, self compassionate and reduce the fear, anxiety and panic. Try it and see...

"Biggest reflection: I have it in me to feel better even without external things changing, that is within my power (could not believe I was writing that, as I truly didn’t think it was possible before Reclaim)."

Reclaim course student

"Your work has been a lifeline for me over the past few years and I am so grateful!"

Course student & Life Raft Member


Day 1: Intention - 7 mins

Day 2: Focus - 4 mins

Day 3: Open - 8 mins

Day 4: Within - 6 mins

Day 5: Balance - 7 mins

Day 6: Rest and Joy - 4 mins

Day 7: Safe - 6 mins

Day 8: Knowing - 6 mins

Day 9: Present - 6 mins

Day 10: Warmth - 7 mins

Journal Prompts

✨ Intentional Journal Prompts

✨ TWW Daily Check In

✨ A Letter to Myself: Positive Test

✨ A Letter to Myself: Negative Test

Printable Affirmations

You can save these to your desktop or print them out and cut them so you can use them as little affirmation cards.

Pick one a day; put them places you'll remember to look at them and use them as you will!


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2023 Alice Rose Creative Ltd